My Modern Parable

I wrote a modern parable this morning and thought I'd share it with all of you☺:

Each member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is likened unto an iphone, which when it is disconnected from the power source may function for a while, but by and by it will plunge into darkness and there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. But if the phone is reconnected to the power source, it will again become light and be filled with power to do many good things. If the phone is connected continuously to a portable charger, the phone can continue in brightness. The screen may go to sleep, but can quickly power up whenever the need arises.

This is the meaning of the parable. The power source is the power of God. In order to connect to the source, members read and ponder the word of God, attend church and other meetings, participate in Family History and Temple Work, pray with faith and real intent, and keep the commandments of God. When they do these things, they retain their brightness and are filled with power to do many good things. The portable charger represents the continuous source of power available to each Saint as they do these things; the power will not fail, and they are promised that the Spirit will always be with them and will help them. The phone that loses it's charge represents a member who has neglected the spiritual practices mentioned above. But the power source is still there, and when the member reconnects to that source, the light and power of that member will return, and there will be great rejoicing.

Now I want to hear your parables!

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