Salt of the Earth, Some Surprising Facts!

I remember teaching Primary lessons about how Jesus said we should be the salt of the earth.  It was suggested that we bake some cookies for the class, but leave out the salt, so the children would see how important salt was for good tasting food.

This morning it occurred to me that if Christ said he wanted us to be the salt of the earth, perhaps salt is far more important in our lives than just making things palatable.   I googled salt and, surprise, surprise, it turns out that salt is vital to life on earth—not necessarily the salt in our shakers, but the salt in our bodies and in the ocean!

Salt water is literally the most common substance on the surface of Earth, and it’s really important – for life and for the planet.

1. Salt water carries the electrical signals that make life possible
Salt water is made when a solid salt, such as table salt (sodium chloride), is added to water and breaks apart into individual freely moving particles called ions…
These ions act just like a balloon that’s been rubbed against your hair. They carry an electrical charge, and allow salt water to conduct electricity.
Your body uses salt water to send the electrical signals that cause your heart to beat and your brain to think.
2. Salt water acts as a conveyor belt to carry heat around the planet
Europe and North America are kept warm by the Gulf Stream, a massive current of warm water flowing north from the tropics.
This current is driven by changes in the saltiness of ocean water. As the polar ice caps freeze in winter, the surrounding ocean water becomes saltier. Saltier water is heavier and so it sinks to the sea floor, stirring the ocean and driving these currents.
This [affects] the flow of heat and nutrients around the world in complex ways.

3. Salt water…suck[s] carbon dioxide out of the air
[The ocean extracts carbon dioxide(CO₂) from the air and stores it on a huge scale], removing more than a quarter of all the CO₂ that humans put into the air.  (This site has an interesting short animated video that explains the role of salt in the ocean currents)
Salt is also a preserving agent:  As a matter of fact the main use for salt in a long term survival situation will be in preserving foods. If you are salting, smoking, canning, pickling or making jerky you will need salt.
Salt water performs life-giving functions, both for the body and for the earth itself.  Without salt water, bodies could not function.  Without salt water, the earth could not sustain life.
 How can we be the salt of the earth?  The Lord told Abraham, …In thee (that is, in thy Priesthood) and in thy seed (that is, thy Priesthood)…shall all the families of the earth be blessed, even with the blessings of the Gospel, which are the blessings of salvation, even of life eternal.  (Abraham 2:11)
He also promises Abraham, …[Thy seed] shall bear this ministry and Priesthood unto all nations.
We can be the salt of the earth when, with the living water of Jesus Christ, we carry the pure restored Gospel of Jesus Christ with the authority of the Priesthood of God to all the world, giving the world spiritual  life.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ has the life giving, purifying and preserving qualities of the Atonement to offer immortality and eternal life to all souls.
Salt that has lost its savor would be religion that contains impurities—false doctrines and unauthorized practices.  This would be good for nothing, for it would not be able to deliver salvation or exaltation, so must be cast out.

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