I am loving "likening the scriptures to ourselves" as emphasized in our study of the New Testament in the Come Follow Me lessons. This morning as I have studied parts of the January 28-Feb 3 lesson (Matt.3; Mark 1; Luke 3), I have contemplated the lesson title, "Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord."
I can prepare a way for the Lord to enter my own heart and I can be part of the great preparation for the 2nd Coming of the Lord to the world by doing exactly what John the Baptist invited all to do--repent! Repent, or experience a mighty change of heart and mind! And what are the mighty changes I need to make in my own heart and mind? I need to embrace with all my heart, might, mind and strength, the revelations given to us by the Savior through President Nelson.
As Elder Christofferson teaches in "The Divine Gift of Repentance" cited in the lesson, repentance is not only the act of abandoning sin, but it is also a covenant of obedience. As we embrace the counsel to make our homes centers of gospel learning, as we mindfully honor Jesus Christ every time we refer to His Church by using the name He gave it, and as we strive to make appointments with the Lord to be in His holy house on a regular basis, we will be "preparing the way of the Lord" into our own hearts and minds and will be helping in the great work of preparing the world for the 2nd Coming of the Savior.
When these things become a challenge, I hope that instead of finding excuses for not doing better, I will instead ask "How can I make this happen?" and then be willing to rearrange my priorities until these become my priorities.
I love this mom, thanks. We read this talk for our study last night and had a good talk with our kids about how repentance may seem like it will be scary but it is always worth it. I loved this quote: "Whatever the cost of repentance, it is swallowed up in the joy of forgiveness."