Like Rachel said in the most recent Call Home, parenting is hard! Personally, I am holding on to this promise from President Nelson:
"The new home-centered, Church-supported integrated curriculum has the potential to unleash the power of families, as each family follows through conscientiously and carefully to transform their home into a sanctuary of faith. I promise that as you diligently work to remodel your home into a center of gospel learning, over time your Sabbath days will truly be a delight. Your children will be excited to learn and to live the Savior’s teachings, and the influence of the adversary in your life and in your home will decrease. Changes in your family will be dramatic and sustaining." (Becoming Exemplary Latter-day Saints, October 2018)
I'm a little late to the game, I know (will anyone even see this comment?), but I just want to make sure we all remember that studying the Come Follow Me manual at home is just a suggestion and we shouldn't assume that everyone is choosing to use it. We've already had a few teachers at church talk about it as if it's a given, but right in the Introductory Materials it says: "Use this resource in any way that is helpful to you...You and your family may already be studying the gospel regularly...Come, Follow Me is not meant to replace or compete with the good things you are doing...Follow the Spirit’s guidance to determine how to approach your own study of the word of God."